Notice of Copyright
The website, all data contained therein, and all software distributed through said website is Vivid Document Imaging Technologies. Win7PDF is a Registered United States Trademark. The following product names are service marks of Vivid Document Imaging Technologies Software:
PDF Viewer for Windows 7
PDF Printer for Windows 7
PDF Preview for Windows 7
PDF Converter for Windows 7
Any use, reuse, distribution, redistribution, modification, external linking of images and/or other data, without express written permission from Vivid Document Imaging Technologies is a violation of US and International Copyright Laws. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of these laws.
Is it legal to create PDF with our software?
Yes, it's legal. Adobe Systems Inc. owns the copyrights on the PDF data
structures, operators, and written specification for PDF. Adobe has made PDF
publicly available as an open standard, so they have given permission to anyone
to write software that creates PDF files. The have also given royalty free
licenses to the patents if used to create PDF files. Information on this policy
is in section 1.7 of the PDF specification published by Adobe, and also at